God is Wonderful !
If you describe Mrs Oluwakemi Adeoye as the Biblical Deborah, you won’t be mistaken. She told TAIWO OLANREWAJU how she got a revelation and the names of her baby three days after marriage but did not see the manifestation until 14 years after. Oluwakemi was born into a Baptist family and is very conversant with the word of God. Maybe her greatest assets are that she truly believes in God. Fortunately also, her husband, Gbenga, belongs to the same Baptist denomination. She and her spouse are from Abeokuta, Ogun State. Their positions in their various families, however, before coming together in holy matrimony on Saturday, April 3rd 1999, seemed to add to the pressure of the need to have children soon after marriage. Mrs Adeoye is the third of five children, but the first daughter while her husband, Mr Olugbenga Adeoye, is the first of six children and the only son. His five sisters are happily married and blessed with children. Being a child that was brought up strictly with Christian doctrines, Mrs Adeoye, a graduate of the University of Jos, knew that she would have a baby, more so as God, according to her, had revealed to her in a vision that she would have a baby and gave her the names of the baby on April 6th, 1999, three days after her wedding. Having met when Oluwakemi was in Form Four, and Gbenga in the polytechnic and had courted for 15 years, both understood each other and did not take the issue of not having a baby immediately after marriage too seriously. It was not until the fifth year that they considered it a challenge and decided to seek medical and spiritual assistance. They were invited to churches for prayers. Their parents, especially Pa and Ma Adeoye, invited them to meet with pastors who ministered in their church, especially during special programmes. For a while, Mrs Adeoye attended deliverance programme of a church at Aremo area of Ibadan and was also invited by a colleague at work to attend God’s Voice Ministry programmes at Alakia area of Ibadan. Her words: “I went to God’s Voice Ministry in September 2010 and I had menstruated that month. So, the woman in charge said I should wait till I see my menstruation in October to enable her to know my ovulation period. Alas! My menstruation refused to come that October. “I visited big hospitals, mission hospitals and privately owned hospitals in Ibadan and they all said I was not pregnant. I had urine and blood tests including scan tests but they all turned out negative,” she revealed. In December, however, Madam Evangelist Oluwasola, asked her to have a special test in her laboratory wherein the red blood cells were separated from the white blood cells, and that was it – the result revealed that she was pregnant. But by January 15th, 2011, she started bleeding and when she prayed, God told her that nobody could query Him and that the issue was long concluded, she would have a child. By May 2011, she had bought all her baby things although she did not know the sex of the baby because God did not show her, so she bought unisex materials. She was becoming fatter but her tummy was not too big. By July 2011, she had contractions, felt the baby’s movement but the hospitals declared that there was no baby in her tummy. In fact, a particular doctor told her that her fatness was obesity precipitate menopausal sign. She sought spiritual assistance when she wrote Pastor Enoch Adeboye in September 2011 and he replied her through a SMS that she would soon share her testimony. Mrs Adeoye became an object of ridicule when the baby refused to come in spite of the change in her physique but she was not bothered. By January 2012, she contemplated having a surgery to bring the baby out. She prayed and God gave her the go-ahead, warning her, however, that the doctors would be reluctant to carry out the surgery as there was no scan or test result to back the surgery. And so it was. But as from March 2012, she had her menstruation regularly. Friends invited him and his wife to visit America, get some medication from India, consider remarrying or adopting a baby, but in it all, he was not led to take to any of the options because he believed they had not exploited all options. His parents were constantly falling sick and he knew it was because of the issue. So, he advised them to put all their hope in God to behold the miracle as he was certain that God would bless them with children. Mrs Adeoye menstruated till January 2013 and vomited everyday in January till she had the baby on January 15th in the night at the mission house. “The delivery, though painful, was simple. I was not in labour for too long before I had the baby, may be three to five minutes and the baby came, a girl. And we christened her Emmanuela, Opelope-Jesu, Ite-Oluwa-kii-si Adeoye,” the new mother stated. Mrs Adeoye, who noted that there was no rancour between her and her husband or her in-laws throughout their challenging period, urged all Christians to put their hope in God, adding “Whether you win or whether you lose, God is God. No matter how good or bad your situation, it will not change the fact that God is God. You cannot push God and He has no second in command. So, why not put your trust in Him?”Fmi WOW! GOD IS WONDERFUL |
hard to imagine tales from around the world, uncensored, just the way it is...
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
Osaze Odemwingie shows off one month old son, Noah

Oops! like father like son, osaze can talk, and his baby's mouth is already wide open, even at a month old.
I LIKE JESUS BUT HATE CHRISTIANS;reflection on pope's resignation
- 33 Replies
- A Concerned Local Citizen • 15 hrs ago Report Abuse
I hope that the next Pope will permanently weed out the sex offenders previously shielded by various levels of the church.
113 Replies
John • 12 hrs ago Report AbuseMahatma Ghandi said: " I like your Jesus, but why are your Christians so unlike your Jesus?"
80 Replies
John • 12 hrs ago Report Abuse"Human Beings are the only creatures on Earth who claim a God, and the only ones who act like they haven't got one." -anonymous
46 Replies
Helloooo • 16 hrs ago Report AbuseThe Lord neither slumbers or sleeps....!!!
30 Replies
All of the scandals in the church are from HUMAN SIN and neglect to deal with it.
The Deal • 13 hrs ago Report AbuseThere's been a lot of sexual "Hi-Di-Diddle-Dee" played in so called Righteous All American Country Churches as well. So let's not go gettin' all High and Mighty and be singling out the Catholic Church. The trusting, searching, nature of those looking for guidance can be taken advantage of in any... More
21 Replies- FreeURChains • 11 hrs ago Report Abuse
I judge a man by what i see him do with my own eyes, not by the spin of the media.
7 Replies
In an unusually public outpouring for such a private man, he alluded to some of the most difficult times of his papacy, which was dogged by sex abuse scandals, leaks of his private papers and reports of infighting among his closest aides.
"Thank you, I am very moved," Benedict told a cheering crowd of more than 150,000 people in St Peter's Square a day before he becomes the first pope to step down in some six centuries.
He said he had great trust in the Church's future, that his abdication was for the good of the Church and asked for prayers for cardinals choosing his successor at a time of crisis.
The Vatican said the address, repeatedly interrupted by applause and cries of "Benedict, Benedict" - was the last by the pope, who as of Thursday evening will have the title "pope emeritus."
"There were moments of joy and light but also moments that were not easy ... there were moments, as there were throughout the history of the Church, when the seas were rough and the wind blew against us and it seemed that the Lord was sleeping," he said.
When he finished the crowd, which spilled over into surrounding streets and included many of the red-hatted cardinals who will elect his successor in a closed doors conclave next month, stood to applaud.
"I took this step in the full knowledge of its gravity and rarity but with a profound serenity of spirit," he said, as people in the crowd wave supportive banners and national flags.
Loving the Church meant, "having the courage to take difficult and anguished choices, always having in mind the good of the church and not oneself," he said.
The pope says he is too old and weak to continue leading a Church beset by crises over child abuse by priests and a leak of confidential Vatican documents showing corruption and rivalry among Vatican officials.
He said he was not "coming down from the cross" but would serve the Church through prayer.
Some of those who have faulted Benedict for resigning have pointed to the late Pope John Paul, who said he would "not come down from the cross" despite his bad health because he believed his suffering could inspire others.
Many Catholics and even some close papal aides were stunned by his decision on February 11 and concerned about the impact it will have on a Church torn by divisions.
Most in the square were supportive of Benedict, an increasingly frail figure in the last months of his papacy.
"He did what he had to do in his conscience before God," said Sister Carmel, from a city north of Rome, who came to the capital with her fellow nuns and members of her parish.
"This is a day in which we are called to trust in the Lord, a day of hope," she said. "There is no room for sadness here today. We have to pray, there are many problems in the Church but we have to trust in the Lord."
Not everyone agreed.
"He was a disaster. It's good for everyone that he resigned," said Peter McNamara, 61, an Australian of Irish descent who said he had come to the square "to witness history".
The pope, a theologian and professor, never felt truly comfortable with the weight of the papacy and many Catholics feel that, although he was a towering Church figure, perhaps the cardinals should have chosen someone else in 2005.
"It was clear from the start that he was more at home in a library," said Carla Manton, 65. "A very good man but he realized in his heart that this was the right thing to do for himself and the Church and now he will pray, he will pray for all of us."
Benedict will move to the papal summer residence south of Rome on Thursday night and later to a convent in the Vatican.
He will lay aside the red "shoes of the fisherman" that have been part of his papal attire and wear brown loafers given to him by shoemakers during a trip to Leon, Mexico last year. He will wear a "simple white cassock", the Vatican said.
His lead seal and his ring of office, known as the "ring of the fisherman", will be destroyed according to Church rules, just as if he had died.
The Vatican said on Tuesday that the pope was sifting through documents to see which will remain in the Vatican and go into the archives of his papacy and which "are of a personal nature and he will take to his new residence".
Among the documents left for the next pope will be a confidential report by three cardinals into the "Vatileaks" affair last year when Benedict's former butler revealed private papers showing corruption and in-fighting inside the Vatican.
The new pope will inherit a Church marked by Vatileaks and child abuse scandals involving priests in Europe and the United States, both of which may have weighed on Benedict's decision.
On Thursday, he will greet cardinals in Rome. That afternoon he will fly by helicopter to the papal summer retreat at Castel Gandolfo, a 15-minute journey. In his last appearance as pope, he will greet residents and well-wishers in a small square.
At 8 p.m. the Swiss Guards who stand as sentries at the residence will march off in a sign that the papacy is vacant.
Benedict changed Church rules so that cardinals who start pre-conclave meetings on Friday could begin the conclave earlier than the 15 days after the papacy becomes vacant prescribed by the previous law.
The Vatican appears to be aiming to have a new pope elected by mid-March and installed before Palm Sunday on March 24 so he can preside at Holy Week services leading to Easter.
Cardinals have begun informal consultations by phone and email in the past two weeks since Benedict said he was quitting.
Today is Pope Benedict’s last day in office, but the words customarily used to announce that we have a new pope, “Habemus Papam”, are likely to be a long time in coming. For much has changed in a short space of time. The forced resignation this week of Cardinal Keith O’Brien as Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh demonstrates the intensity of the events through which the Roman Catholic Church is passing. The College of Cardinals that will shortly assemble to make the choice has a difficult task.
One characteristic of the papacy that will be hard to maintain is the dogma of papal infallibility. This doesn’t quite mean that whatever the pope of the day says is true by virtue of his having said it. The Vatican Council of 1870 defined it in the following terms: the pope is “possessed of infallibility” when “he defines... a doctrine concerning faith and morals to be held by the whole Church”. Once the pope has spoken, the Vatican Council agreed, his definitions “are irreformable of themselves”.
But the resignation of the Pope, an unprecedented act in modern times, makes the notion of infallibility appear distinctly odd. Does it mean that Pope Benedict is possessed of infallibility today but not tomorrow when he begins his retirement? No wonder the Church delayed many centuries before clothing the idea in legal form.
Infallible no more
Brian Tierney, the former Professor of Medieval History at Cornell University, wrote in his book Origins of Papal Infallibility (1972) that “there is no convincing evidence that papal infallibility formed any part of the theological or canonical tradition of the Church before the thirteenth century… only after much initial reluctance, it was accepted by the papacy because it suited the convenience of the popes to accept it”. By convenience, by the way, is meant the desire to form a bulwark against the march of liberalism. This dogma will surely now wither into disuse.
Nor can the office of pope any longer be considered to be one that is held on appointment for the rest of one’s life. The tradition cannot be re-established. Along with the undermining of the dogma of infallibility, this change further weakens the authority of future popes. For, if you may resign, you may also be forced to go.
These two developments should mean that the power of the cardinals, as opposed to the pope, would thereby increase. But at a time of momentous change, the cardinals themselves are subject to widespread criticism. Following their mishandling of sexual misbehaviour by their clergy, and the doubtful nature of some of their own practices, a number of them are no longer regarded as “fit and proper” persons. The fate of Cardinal O’Brien has freshly reinforced this sceptical view. The Church’s leadership has been tarnished as never before in its entire history.
So, paradoxically, although the election of a new pope is likely to be a lengthy process, one of the key moments will come very early. By tradition, the cardinals hear two sermons in quick succession before they can proceed to electing a new pope. These sermons analyse the state of the Church and suggest what qualities are needed in its new leader.
Indeed, what the cardinals have to do swiftly is decide what reforms they can accept and then identify the right man to carry them out. Except that Church leaders have little taste for acting swiftly and decisively. Faced with a difficulty, they naturally first turn to scripture to seek inspiration. Then, having come to some conclusions, they inevitably find that what might work well in one part of the Church won’t gain any traction in another. The African, European and North American branches have very different traditions and ways of acting. So normally at this point, a paralysis of decision-making would set in and the problem would be shelved for another half century or so. This time, though, the cardinals have only weeks in which to reach conclusions that will almost certainly be of historic importance.
There is one reform, however, to which the cardinals could use this extraordinary moment to give some prominence. That is whether it is right to persist with the discipline of clerical celibacy. The rule goes back to 1139 when all clerical marriages were declared not only unlawful but also invalid. Its wisdom has been increasingly doubted. Even Pope Benedict as a young German theologian 40 years ago joined eight others in calling for a new discussion of celibacy. And Cardinal O’Brien told the BBC just before he resigned that he felt it would be within the scope of the next Pope to rethink the rules.
Without a bold reform of this nature, the new pope will find it hard to hold the Church together. Remember the nightmare described in the excellent Italian film Habemus Papam, made by Nanni Moretti in 2011 and shown in this country. In the final scene, the newly elected pope comes out on to the balcony overlooking St Peter’s Square and declares that “I am not the new leader you need”, and retreats back into the Vatican
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Sunday, 17 February 2013
Goldie's husband, Andrew Harvey, opens up about the late singer
When did you wed her? And were you still married as at when she passed yesterday?We wed in December 2005 and were very much married when she passed indeed I was talking to her on arrival in Lagos before the fateful event
I see you moved back to England. Do you have another family?
I work in Malaysia, we have a private home in UK, I do not have a second family
Also did you have kids together?
No kids, we were planning this year
There had been speculation for many years that she was married to an ‘oyinbo’ man. But no one could lay hands on anything. Why did you keep it a ‘secret’?
Our private life is nothing to do with work life, there has to be a balanceSee more after the cut...
How did you hear of her death? I found out you last saw her in December?
I was talking to her on arrival in Lagos before the fateful event
How did you meet her? She must have been very young…
I met her at a friend’s leaving party and fell in love straight away, but had to work hard to persuade her I was genuine
So you will be planning to come here for burial rites…
Yes I have applied for visa and shall come next week
But how did you manage the Prezzo drama?
Prezzo was part of BBA game, just like in the movies, there was nothing to fear
But funny it dragged way beyond BBA
It dragged because the media dragged it, other wise it would have died naturally. Prezzo will say anything to get attention
Do you think he fell in love? And did you ever think Susan liked him for a minute…?
People fall in love and it’s not impossible to love more than one person, but there are different levels. She liked him initially, but began to despise him and distanced herself as he tried to use her she complained he was very manipulative
How did you come about your alias ‘Oyibopeppay?
Oyiiibopeppay is a name used in the villages for white man getting burned in the sun. I used to work in the bush erecting BTS for MTN and Glo
You have direct access to her password? The memories album was posted on her twitter. Or you requested for an admin to post?
I am an official admin. I don’t need any password but my own. It was authorised by Goldie
One last question: so much speculation on cause of death. I see from your facebook timeline that you’ve followed the reports. Have the doctors/family/label told you what the cause of death is?
An autopsy is being carried out and we will await results. The rest is speculation and hearsay
And did she have any medical condition?
She had no medical condition,
Is it true she was in India recently?
She was in Malaysia, we spent Christmas together away from prying eyes
What will you miss most about her?
Everything, she was the most beautiful person I ever met, no moment was wasted. Sweet, intelligent, sexy and a magnificent cook!!!!
And she was a determined young lady…
Very. That’s what I liked about her
Are you originally from England? Was she officially a citizen of your country by marriage? Or that was not concluded?
I’m from England and was processing Nigerian citizenship before I was transferred to Malaysia. Of course she was citizen of UK before we met, she lived and schooled there
She was indeed a star, as I’m sure you’ve seen from the tributes coming from far and near. Even the BBC and Billboard recognise her star
Yes we saw it on BBC news tonight. It is a devastating loss, but I support just as much wherever she has gone to.
Goldie's husband, Andrew Harvey, opens up about the late singer
When did you wed her? And were you still married as at when she passed yesterday?We wed in December 2005 and were very much married when she passed indeed I was talking to her on arrival in Lagos before the fateful event
I see you moved back to England. Do you have another family?
I work in Malaysia, we have a private home in UK, I do not have a second family
Also did you have kids together?
No kids, we were planning this year
There had been speculation for many years that she was married to an ‘oyinbo’ man. But no one could lay hands on anything. Why did you keep it a ‘secret’?
Our private life is nothing to do with work life, there has to be a balanceSee more after the cut...
How did you hear of her death? I found out you last saw her in December?
I was talking to her on arrival in Lagos before the fateful event
How did you meet her? She must have been very young…
I met her at a friend’s leaving party and fell in love straight away, but had to work hard to persuade her I was genuine
So you will be planning to come here for burial rites…
Yes I have applied for visa and shall come next week
But how did you manage the Prezzo drama?
Prezzo was part of BBA game, just like in the movies, there was nothing to fear
But funny it dragged way beyond BBA
It dragged because the media dragged it, other wise it would have died naturally. Prezzo will say anything to get attention
Do you think he fell in love? And did you ever think Susan liked him for a minute…?
People fall in love and it’s not impossible to love more than one person, but there are different levels. She liked him initially, but began to despise him and distanced herself as he tried to use her she complained he was very manipulative
How did you come about your alias ‘Oyibopeppay?
Oyiiibopeppay is a name used in the villages for white man getting burned in the sun. I used to work in the bush erecting BTS for MTN and Glo
You have direct access to her password? The memories album was posted on her twitter. Or you requested for an admin to post?
I am an official admin. I don’t need any password but my own. It was authorised by Goldie
One last question: so much speculation on cause of death. I see from your facebook timeline that you’ve followed the reports. Have the doctors/family/label told you what the cause of death is?
An autopsy is being carried out and we will await results. The rest is speculation and hearsay
And did she have any medical condition?
She had no medical condition,
Is it true she was in India recently?
She was in Malaysia, we spent Christmas together away from prying eyes
What will you miss most about her?
Everything, she was the most beautiful person I ever met, no moment was wasted. Sweet, intelligent, sexy and a magnificent cook!!!!
And she was a determined young lady…
Very. That’s what I liked about her
Are you originally from England? Was she officially a citizen of your country by marriage? Or that was not concluded?
I’m from England and was processing Nigerian citizenship before I was transferred to Malaysia. Of course she was citizen of UK before we met, she lived and schooled there
She was indeed a star, as I’m sure you’ve seen from the tributes coming from far and near. Even the BBC and Billboard recognise her star
Yes we saw it on BBC news tonight. It is a devastating loss, but I support just as much wherever she has gone to.
Saturday, 16 February 2013
'I Am Happy She Died' - Twitter Reaction to Goldie's Death
We have friends and we have foes, there are those who like us and those who can't stand us. In case of famous artistes - the people who are scrutinized by the society, - reaction toward them often tends to take a grotesque scale. But is someone's sudden death a reason to express one's hatred or disapproval in a very rude manner?
The news of Goldie's death hit the internet today, and the rumours about her untimely end were soon officially confirmed. Thousands of people expressed sadness and grief via their social networks accounts.
However, instead of adhering with the "mourn with those who mourn" biblical principle, a Nigerian woman with the Twitter nickname @Miss_Nkem took to twitter a few hours ago to declare her hatred for the late singer, Goldie.
She made these declarations:
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